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Dates & times

Saturday the 23rd og Sunday the 24th of august 2025 at Copenhagen Airport, Roskilde.


The event is aimed at the whole family. Especially given to represent and provide information on training opportunities within aviation - both civilian and military - so that eg. students at close range can find out about possible careers related to aviation.
Geographically visitors expected from all over Sealand, Lolland Falster and from Fyn since Roskilde Airshow 2025 is the only major Air Show at Sealand. 15.000-20.000 visitors are expected, depending on weather.


At Roskilde Airshow 2025 organizers are trying to get as many different kinds of aircraft as possible with the show. The Danish Armed Forces will participate with military aircraft and helicopters from the Navy and Air Force, and the participation of foreign military aircraft is also expected. There is also considerable participation of civil airliners, business aircraft and helicopters, military aircraft from World War II and beyond, aerobatic flight aircraft, and a wide selection of home-built aircraft and veteran aircraft. Furthermore, there will be, gliders, ultra lights, model plane and parachute-teams. Aircraft, we do not normally see, is also expected to attend from abroad. We repeat last airshow major success with pleasure flights both Saturday and Sunday.

Twilight Airshow

The Twilight Airshow in 2023 was again a success and will be on Saturday evening. For those who has bought tickets for the twilight Airshow only the gates open at 18.00 The evening ends with fireworks! See the show schedule on the Airshow page.

Food & beverage, handicap, smoking, paramedics, dogs and hearing protection

It is possible to buy food and beverages in the exhibition area, where toilets also are available. The entire exhibition area is cashless, i.e. you can only use card payment when buying food/drinks etc.

Smoking is NOT allowed in the entire airport. There are doctors and first aid personel with their own stand. It is not allowed to bring dogs, except seeing eye dogs.

Persons with a companion card assisting a disabled person are admitted free of charge upon presentation of the companion card.

There will be some jet planes that make a lot of noise. Therefore, it is recommended to take hearing protection with you for the little ones.

On this Link you can read about the things that are allowed and not allowed to be brought into the exhibition area.


All aircraft participating in the Air Show can be viewed on the ground if not otherwise stated. Further a great number of different exhibitions stands related to flying, such as flying clubs, flying unions, flying schools etc, are expected to the ground show. There will also be an area of children's amusement park with particular carousel and bouncy castle.


Roskilde Airshow is organized by the Roskilde Airshow Association. Any surplus from the show will be used for the next Airshow and to encourage the interest for flying and education of private pilots.

Weather conditions

A key player in an Air Show is the weather. Besides the general rules for aerobatics, which is at least 8 km visibility and 900 feet ceiling, the different Air Show teams also have their own minima in relation to visibility and ceiling, which must be present to implement the show. Unfortunately, we as organizers are not masters of the weather, but in the many years Roskilde Airshow has been held, we have only had 2 days of cancellations.


As with any other aviation safety is high at an Air Show. In the "Rules and Regulations for aviation", there are very specific rules for how such an Air Show should be settled. There must be one person who is responsible to the authorities. There should certainly be ambulance and rescue service. The aircraft must not fly over the audience area, and distance to the audience must be at least 150 meters. In addition to the rules, as the aviation authorities describe, the organizers have, in close cooperation with Roskilde Airport, set rules for communication in the event of an emergency. Instructions to the audience are described in the program, and will be handed out at the entrance to the Air Show and in the information.
Guests may be checked at the entrance. 

Roskilde Airshow sponsors

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Contact information

Roskilde Airshow
Lufthavnsvej 30
Roskilde 4000
CVR: 31 99 62 87
Phone: +45 7020 2160

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