
This page is continuously updated with press releases and pictures, that can be used by the press. For other pictures, please contact the press officer. Information about the participating aircraft is available on the program page under each aircraft. Videos can be found at our YouTube channel.

Ønskes akkreditering til Roskilde Airshow, venligst udfyld ansøgningsskema nederst på denne side, og send det inden 21. august 2025. Du vil høre fra vores kommunikationsfirma HAVE, efter din ansøgning er afsendt. Presseadgangskort udleveres i sekretariatet i Roskilde Flyveklub (overfor terminalbygningen), såfremt man ikke selv har presse id-kort. Der er indrettet et specielt presse- og spotterområde ved flight line. Under stævnet er der desuden oprettet et pressecenter lige efter hovedindgangen.

Criteria for press accreditation

Roskilde Airshow has an expectation that you are affiliated with a media or an editorial, or if you work as a freelance, can document the production of images / articles related to Roskilde Airshow. Eg. from a responsible editor confirming your agreement to the production. Roskilde Airshow also has an expectation that the media appear serious and professional.

Roskilde Airshow also has an expectation that the media appear serious and professional. Do you have questions regarding above, please feel free to contact the press officer.

Chairman / media
Per Faldborg Olesen
Mobile +45 2166 0692

HAVE Kommunikation

Member of the European Airshow Council

Awarded the Ellehammer prize by the Danish Aviation Journalists Club in 2022. The prize is awarded to a person/organization who has continued Jacob Chr. Ellehammer's pioneering work for the benefit of the development or safety of flight.

Awarded The Bowen Award at the EAC (European Airshow Council) annual Airshow conference. The Paul Bowen Award prize is given to an Individual or Organisation who have made an outstanding contribution to the Airshow Community.

Press releases

A general description for Roskilde Airshow 2025 available

Logo, pictures & poster

If you want to put a reference to our website you can use the following banner or logo. Right click on the banner or logo and save it. Photos can be found further down the page. You can also print our event poster in A4 size. Click on the mini poster to download it.

Various pictures

Application form

Roskilde Airshow sponsors

Would you like your business displayed here? Click here for more information

Contact information

Roskilde Airshow
Lufthavnsvej 30
Roskilde 4000
CVR: 31 99 62 87
Phone: +45 7020 2160

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